Why were you born to those parents? “3

light3 ‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

As I wrote in #2, some souls were really in the state of souls before they were born and were forced to choose their parents without knowing why, while the other souls told us the reason why they chose those parents through events that happened in their past and previous lives.

And after my analysis of the various past and past life stories told to me by more than 20 souls, one answer I came up with was that I was not born choosing my parents.

What do you mean?” You may be thinking, “What does that mean?

I’m not choosing my parents.

Parents who could match my desire to live the life I want.

The company has chosen to use the following

In plain English,

I’m choosing parents who will let me live the life I want to live.


I’m letting the universe or something choose the parents who are going to give me the life I want.

That is to say.

Why do we think so? Because, as I surmised from the events that the soul taught me, I could only assume that the soul was reincarnating because it wanted to resolve its karma.