Fate: Tiger Eye

tiger-eye ‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading

I think Tiger Eye is always at the top of the list of power stone bracelets that Japanese men wear.( ̄▽ ̄)

Tiger eye is popular among men because it is said to improve their work luck.

Since it is a tiger eye, the power stone has an eye-like pattern, and it is said that the eyes repel evil forces and ward off evil.

In fact, if I do a crystal reading and it comes up that I need Tiger Eye, I’ll go straight to work and read it for work luck.

Tiger eye also has the effect of repelling evil spirits, but since there are other power stones that are more powerful in repelling evil spirits, we will not focus on that part.

So it naturally takes the form of a reading of the current and future state of work luck.

And, slightly off topic, the moss-filled crystals introduced earlier also have the effect of improving work luck.

There is a clear difference between the two types of power gemstones that increase work luck for those who have them.

If you have a job where you meet people often, you should have Tiger Eye.

This is because it keeps away unwanted people, improves work-related relationships, and supports insight and decision-making.

On the other hand, if you have a job where you don’t meet people that often, it is a good idea to have a crystal with moss.

This is because this one has a strong power to attract work luck and also has a strong power to expel spirits, protecting them from malicious intentions flying in from the Internet and other sources.