Thoughts: Amber

amber ‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading

Amber is not a power stone, but a fossilized form of tree resin that has hardened.

Since it is a resin, its hardness is soft and it is yellow or brown in color.

The effect of amber is said to increase vitality and produce negative energy, and infuse positive energy to circulate in the body and mind.

It is also said to attract good luck and is said to be effective in improving love, marriage, and money fortunes.

If a crystal reading shows that I need amber, I read that I am stubborn and inflexible.

People who amber out are often stubborn.

Many of them are set in their ways of thinking and are not good at adopting new things.

Because of this, they are unable to see things flexibly, and many of them have trouble finding a balance between their thoughts and feelings.

But stubbornness is not a bad thing, so if you get amber, I would look at the other power stones that came up and read whether the stubbornness is currently acting in a good way or a bad way.

Therefore, when making bracelets, there is almost never amber in them.

I interpret stubbornness as not being necessary from a power point of view, as it is often necessary for that person.