Aura-Soma Equilibrium Bottle

aura-soma ‣オーラソーマ:Aura-soma

It has been 20 years since I learned Aura-Soma.

I have been opening a healing salon for almost 19 years now, starting with Aura-Soma.

I was an aura-soma practitioner and did counseling for about 6 or 7 years, but as I mentioned before, most of my clients came in for original sessions such as crystal readings, so I stopped doing counseling.

But since Aura-Soma bottles are bought-in, there were still over 80 equilibrium bottles left after I stopped counseling.

Since I continued my healing work, I could have sold bottles without counseling, but as I said, although the lotion was made of natural ingredients, I could not guarantee its quality, so I did not sell any bottles after I stopped counseling.

In the Equilibrium Bottle, the upper layer is composed primarily of carrier oils, essential oils, crystal energies, and natural plant pigments, while the lower layer is composed primarily of water, herbal extracts, crystal energies, and natural plant pigments.
There the plant world, mineral world and color world are energetically integrated.

As mentioned above, just leaving the bottles on display releases energy, so I kept them as decorations in my salon even after I stopped using Aura-Soma for the time being.

So, do we just keep the bottle as a decoration and not sell it? If you think about it, the bottle will indeed deteriorate, and as you know the price, the bottle is one of the most expensive lotion.

So, being the cheapskate that I am, I started using it as my own lotion!( ̄▽ ̄)
(I use it myself as a lotion, and if it causes problems with my skin, I’m on my own.)

It would indeed take around a month to use up a bottle, applying it to the color chakra area as well as the face as a lotion.

When I first started using the product, there were over 80 bottles and I thought it would take a long time to use them all up.
I also thought that the quality might deteriorate as the years went by…(;・∀・)

That was the last one, just as we enter our 19th year in business this month.