Destiny: Gold lutile quartz

Gold lutile quartz ‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading

Stones with gold needle-like minerals in the crystal are called gold rutile quartz (quartz with gold needles).

In Japan, gold lines in crystals are very popular because they are believed to strengthen luck in money and fortune.

Other gold lutile quartz is said to purify and ward off evil spirits and stabilize the chi of the owner, place, and things.

Gold lutile quartz is also said to enhance intuition and concentration and help people realize their desires.

If the crystal reading shows that I need gold lutile quartz, I also read it as good money as it is.

However, the money luck brought by gold lutile quartz is not work-related money luck, but rather investment and get-rich-quick money luck.

So if you are investing in stocks or other investments, the price may increase.

For those who play lotteries, sweepstakes, horse races, and other forms of gambling, this means they are more likely to win.

For those who neither invest in stocks or other investments nor gamble at all, such as lotteries or horse races, they read the possibility that someone might buy them something or give them some spending money.