Which power stone has the strongest effect?

power stone ‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

There are so many different types of power stones that there are stars in the sky.

Considering the possibility of making bracelets with power stones in the future, we decided to determine which of the available power stones had the best efficacy and effectiveness.

So, while looking at a paper summarizing the efficacy and effectiveness of power stones, we select a number of power stones that we have bought so far that have the same efficacy and effectiveness.

Then we decided to place different types of power stones side by side, one by one, and listen to them by dowsing.

The way to listen by dowsing was to use an L-rod in front of a row of power stones and ask, “Which power stone has the stronger effect on this one?” I asked.

Then the L-rod would start moving on its own and select the more powerful power stone.

And in the case of several power stones with the same efficacy, it is a win-win situation.

The power stone that was determined by the L-rod to be the most powerful was left behind, the new power stone was placed next to it, and the same question was repeated to select the power stone with the strongest power.

The process was repeated for several days.

The selection of the stone with the strongest efficacy and effect of about 50 different power stones was over.