Future: Red lutile quartz

Red lutile quartz ‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading

Red rutile quartz is a quartz crystal with red needles in it.

Red rutile quartz is said to mean “passion” and “love” because of the red needles in the crystal.

It is also said to be a stone that improves relationships due to its meaning of passion and love, and is said to bring couples closer together and to be blessed with children.

It is also said to be passionate and loving, which activates the energies of the body and mind and energizes energy and motivation.

Other beliefs include that the red needles in it improve the physical condition of the body and are good for longevity and health.

On top of that, when I do a crystal reading and get a red lutile quartz, there are two patterns of power readings.

One reads when the foundation is built.

Red rutile is originally said to be a stone that improves relationships, and the red needles are the most fundamental part of the stone in terms of energy.

Some people say it has a positive effect on building a foundation for work luck, but my energy readings indicate that it is needed when the customer needs to build a foundation and foundation for his or her own future.

The duration of foundation building varies from person to person.

I listen to how long it takes for dowsing, some people say 6 months, others say it takes about 2 years.

And another pattern is having children.

When I do crystal readings, I don’t ask for any prior information because I have preconceived notions, but only if I get a Red Rutile, I ask if they are married, just in case.

But you can have children even if you’re not married, so I can’t say for sure.(;・∀・)

But on the other hand, if you are hoping to have children and the crystal reading did not show red rutile, I am always at a loss for an answer because it is unlikely that you will be able to have children for some time to come.