Fate: Crystal with moss

Crystal with moss ‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading

The title says “moss-filled crystal,” but I believe many stone shops display it under the name “garden crystal.

The reason why I write “moss-filled quartz crystal” instead of “garden quartz crystal” is because I am leading a reading that classifies garden quartz crystals into two types.

Garden quartz crystal is a crystal that contains various minerals and looks like a dry landscape, while moss quartz crystal contains only green minerals such as algae and moss.

Of course, some crystals are a mixture of both, in which case they are garden crystals.

Quartz crystal with moss is popular in China and other countries as a stone that increases “business prosperity,” “fortune,” and “business luck.

When I do a crystal reading on it, how I read it is “overall good luck and good fortune”.

Crystal with moss is a stone that increases “luck in money” and “luck in work.

Only when these two energies are coming up will the energy of the moss-filled crystal come up when you do a crystal reading.

I read that good luck at work means that you must also have good luck in your relationships to rise to the top.
(The work can’t be done by one person, you know.)

And the fact that money and work luck are on the rise means that money and good jobs are likely to come your way if you take action.

This will bring them into contact with more people, and they will naturally meet more people.

So we read that the overall luck is good.

Please note, however, that this is only a state of good luck and good fortune, so nothing will happen unless you act!( ̄▽ ̄)