Future: prenight

Prenight ‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading

There is a stone called prehnite that tells us about the future.

It is of prehnite with a slightly yellowish green color.

Prehnite is also called grape stone in Japan because its crystals are found in the shape of grape clusters.

Prehnite is said to have the efficacy and effect of “seeing through to the truth” and “seeing through to the essence of things.

It is also said to have the efficacy and effect of being a “stone that nourishes perseverance and persistence.

Other stone words seem to be “healthy beauty,” and it is also said that it is a stone that improves physical and mental ailments.

There are two patterns of reading when I get prehnite in a crystal reading.

One is “the tipping point.”

We read that it is time for the future to change completely.

The duration of this transition period varies from person to person, and the energy tells us that some people go through a period of change that lasts about three months, while others go through a period of change that lasts six months or more.

I am listening to dowsing to see how long the transition period will be.

Another pattern is to read “more decisions to be made in the future”.

As prehnite is said to be a stone that helps us discern the truth, it is actually a stone that helps its owner to make decisions about how to discard and select various types of information.

The transition period is precisely a time of increased choices to be made.

This is why the energy of prehnite is needed.

Also, when we are not in a transition period, but are about to start something, or when we are going to be busy with something, we will need the energy of pre-night as we will have to make more decisions.

So when a bracelet is made with pre-night, it is an indication that the person will have to make many choices in the future.

I tell my clients that they are in a good flow of life when they make a lot of decisions.