Not an easy spiritual world ①

spiritual world ‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

The world I am in is not that easy, although there are quite a few people who take expensive courses to become healers or spiritual counselors because they are told that “money circulates and you will get back what you put out,” but it is not that easy. This world.

But people think spirituality is somehow magical, so they think, “If I take a course and open a business, I’ll have lots of customers right away! They think, “If I take a course and open a business, I’ll have a lot of customers right away!

But, spirituality alone is suspicious enough, and it is impossible to get customers that easily.

And if there is no love and competence there, even if they come, they will not come again.
(I have love, but I don’t know if I’m capable.)

Some of the people I met when I was taking Aura-Soma courses were

People who are thinking of running a salon with only Aura-Soma
Those who are thinking of combining other healing modalities in their salon.
People who are thinking of running a salon as a dual job while working.
People who are learning Aura-Soma for themselves.

It was divided into these four categories.

Aurasoma was popular during the spiritual boom, but everyone was quite realistic.( ̄▽ ̄)

I thought that if I was going to run a salon with only Aura-Soma, I would have to become a teacher and teach.

But I am not a teacher or a teacher-oriented person, so I did not consider that direction from the beginning.

Therefore, rather than creating my own unique healing practice and trying to run it as a single salon, I moved in the direction of having the salon as my main business, while expanding its branches and leaves through related work.