Opening the third eye?

Opening the third eye ‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

At the time of my debut as a healer at Supikon, I was still in the process of taking my Level 3 Aura-Soma course.

Shortly before that, I noticed that my forehead, or third eye as it is often called, had become concave in the shape of an eye, even though it had not been there for some reason.

Moreover, the people who saw it said, “That’s disgusting!” on the level of those who see it.( ;∀;)

It is often said that when the third eye opens, we will be able to see things and our spiritual abilities will blossom, but nothing has changed at all…( ̄▽ ̄)

There were no mystical or spiritual events, such as sudden visions of spirits or encounters with UFOs. There were no spiritual events at all.

It was rather weird because sometimes when he would close his eyes for a while, his third eye would meet mine.(;・∀・)

Some people say that the third eye is like the eye of the face, looking outward, while others say it looks inward, toward the inner self, but I believe the third eye is toward the inner self.

Incidentally, as for the cause of the dip, I think it was due to the use of intuition in the process of creating the crystal reading and the blossoming of my spiritual abilities in the process of taking the Aura-Soma course.

Such is my third eye, but as of right now it’s not dented at all!

So it looks like the third eye is closed.( ̄▽ ̄)