Preparation for Opening a Healing Salon (6): Another Pillar

feng shui ‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

While creating the website for the healing salon, I was thinking of something else that could be a pillar of the salon.

Because at that time I only had Aura-Soma and crystal readings (stone readings at that time).

Some people may think that two is enough, but for me, I thought it would be better to have another one.

I had been interested in feng shui for some time and had actually bought and read various feng shui books.

However, since feng shui is viewed in different ways by different feng shui practitioners and requires the use of complex divination techniques to determine chi, I thought it was not something that could be done in a one-size-fits-all manner.

But then I had acquired an item called an L-rod, and I thought that I could use the L-rod to identify chi.

Because the L-rod is originally a tool to search for water veins, etc.

Since dowsing tools are used to see chi, I thought it would be possible to identify chi in photographs and other images.

So we will check the state of chi by looking at images taken of the inside and outside of the house on a trial basis.

Then, beautifully, the L-rod responded.(・∀・)

We thought this would be useful, so we decided to create a manual that could be used to appraise feng shui based on the Four Pillars of Feng Shui, and to use the dowsing L-rod method to look at chi.

Thus, with Aura-Soma at the core, I decided to run my salon, adding two of my own appraisal methods.

My mindset at the time was, “How is it going to turn out? I won’t know until I try.( ̄▽ ̄)

So, for now, I used this to create a website for my salon and a flyer showing my prices.