Why I want to unravel the mysteries of the soul

mystery1 ‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

My motivation to unravel the mystery of karma, the soul secret of reincarnation, came from a very unyielding thought: “How can something so unreasonable happen in a person’s life depending on the environment in which he was born and raised…?

Whenever I was confronted with the heartbreak and loneliness in various clients through Heart Healing, I wondered, “Why was this person born to such parents?” I have had this question for many years.

I read many books about past lives and books about past life memories that my children had told me about in an attempt to clarify this question, but nothing seemed to make sense to me.

Because the only stories about parent-child relationships and past lives that could be written in books were the ones that sounded good, and there was no book anywhere at that point that could answer my questions.

Also, when I started Heart Healing more than 10 years ago, the term “toxic parent” was not so prevalent in Japan.

In Japan in particular, there is a kind of sexual goodwill toward parents, and I think there has always been an environment in which it is difficult to express bad feelings toward parents in words.

The family community is a closed one.

Once the door is closed, no one knows what is going on in the house.

Words said to us by our parents when we are young children enter our minds and bodies like a sponge absorbing water.

It would be nice if only positive words were absorbed, but unfortunately negative words are absorbed at the same time.

And this ratio of positive to negative words is not the same. If there are too many negative negative words, they will enter the mind and body as a curse.

Why on earth did the soul choose those parents when the environment could be so harsh?

I thought that if I could bring some light to the hearts of my customers by elucidating this part of their lives, it would heal their loneliness and emotional wounds, if only a little.