A book that reminds us that cause and effect are important in everything.

Essentials of Success ‣読書本:Reading book

I read “The Essentials of Success,” a book containing lectures by Kazuo Inamori, the founder of the world-famous Japanese company Kyocera Corporation.
The book contains excerpts from Inamori’s lectures over the past 30 years, in which he discusses his ideas on the foundation of management.

When you write the word “management,” you may think that we are talking about something difficult. You may think so, but Mr. Inamori’s way of thinking is quite simple.
In short, he believes that “both life and management reflect one’s own mind and produce results. There is a strong belief here that “one can change one’s destiny,” and that “good thoughts and good actions will turn one’s destiny around.

He also believes that all decisions should be made based on “principles and what is right as a human being. He said that the foundation of his management was to make decisions based on what is right as a human being, not on what is profitable for the company or himself.

In addition to management, there are also lectures that talk about the soul.
He also said that the most important thing for human beings is “altruism” as taught by the Buddha, and as a result, “a spirit of gratitude is born.

I have read several of Mr. Inamori’s books, but this book was the one whose content I could relate to the most.

What I could relate to was the way you think about things.
When I started my work as a healer, there were actually three things I had vaguely in mind.

The first is to judge things based on what is right as a human being.
The second, similar to the above, is to not think about one’s own gain or loss at all. Rather, I think about what is best for the client.
Third, everyone can change their own destiny. Therefore, I do this work to help my clients make their destiny better.

I have had the above thoughts since I started healing, and when I read Mr. Inamori’s book, I was glad to find someone else who had the same thoughts! I was happy to read Inamori’s book and found someone else who thought the same way!
I was also glad to see that there was someone else who thought the same way as I did, and who had achieved results.

Incidentally, the third destiny was the idea that everyone can change his or her own destiny, but I realized during the healing process that some people have difficulty changing their own destiny, so I created Inner Heart Healing to help clients change their destiny by healing them so that their good heart comes out to their consciousness.

And as I was writing this, I just remembered something that Inamori said in his book.
He said that the reason he did well as a manager was because the Creator just happened to give him such a talent, and if there had been someone else, he would have been fine with that person taking his place.

Actually, I have always thought the same thing.
I think to others I have always looked like a person with spiritual abilities.
But I also think that the Creator just happened to make me do this work by some chance, and that I do not have spiritual abilities myself, but that someone with some spiritual abilities is possessing me and making me do spiritual healing work.

I have spent more time than most people at temples and shrines since I can remember, and even worked part-time at a temple as an adult, but I have never encountered a ghost, and I have only a convenient respect for God and Buddha, so I do not believe I have any abilities.

Still, I think that I was somehow convenient for the Creator.
I am doing my job now, which is 180 degrees different from the life I thought I would lead, and since I have been doing it for so long because I am bored with it, I am still doing it, thinking that the Creator must be up to something.( ̄▽ ̄)