Face yourself and face the money (1)

money① ‣心:Heart

I mentioned in my blog the day before yesterday that facing money means facing yourself, and one of our clients has started to face money as a result of facing herself.

Let’s say that person is Mr. A.

When I started receiving healings at Mr. A’s home, when he carried his bag on his way home (the bag he was carrying at that time was a small tote bag). I always heard the sound of coins from the bottom of the bag.

One time on the way home, I ventured, “Why do you hear the sound of coins in my bag?” I asked.


A. “I think it’s because I have coins in the bottom of my bag.” The answer.

I said, “What? You just throw your change straight into your bag?” I asked.

A. “When I get change at a convenience store or something, it’s a hassle, so I either put it straight into my bag or throw it in the donation box next to the cash register because it’s too much trouble.”

A “I’ll put bills in the donation box if it’s too much trouble, not just coins.”

I said, “…I see. But you should put the money in your wallet if you can. It’s dangerous.”

When we met Mr. A, he was not indifferent to money, but rather acted as if he was somewhat averse to saving rather than having money.

And not only coins, but the bag that Mr. A was carrying at this time was so full of stuff that he did not even know what was in it.

So I took the small change thing as a chance to help him organize his bag a few times and teach him how to organize it.