And I do a lot of reading and binge reading.

Extensive and binge reading ‣読書本:Reading book

Why I read and binge read a lot.

I have always enjoyed reading books, but it was not until I started working as a healer that I began to read a variety of books as I do now.

I have written before about how the God of Aomori told me to gain knowledge. I have written before about how I was told by the God of Aomori to acquire knowledge, and I believe that books are the only way to acquire solid information knowledge.

I am a healer, so my job is to see into the minds of my clients, but I believe that the mind is made up of many different factors and elements.

To see these various factors and elements requires information and knowledge.

So I am not sure how much information and knowledge I have will help my competence as a healer.

Without knowledge, we cannot see what we can see, and we cannot imagine or think about what we need.

Another reason why we think knowledge is necessary is that it can reduce some of the emotional burden on the client.

When performing a healing, we talk with our clients about many things.

We talk not only about healing, but also about a wide variety of other topics, such as recent events, hobbies, company, school, family, and so on.

My knowledge of the subject makes all the difference in how the conversation goes.
(Of course, I don’t know everything, so I ask my clients to tell me what I don’t know.)

I believe this plays a very important role in healing.

In the first place, no one opens up easily from the first meeting to talk about the dark side of their own heart.

I believe that healing will not be successful without good communication to ensure that the client’s thoughts and feelings are received and healed in the healing process.

For this reason, I try to do what I can do to help, and I try to gain knowledge in a variety of areas.

I am also a person who believes that any knowledge is better to have than none, so I try to include knowledge that is completely irrelevant in my life.

I write like a big shot, but perhaps because I’m getting older, I can’t remember things clearly, and I’m remembering more and more things vaguely.( ̄▽ ̄)

But I still think I need to update my knowledge for myself and my clients every day, so I continue to read a lot and binge read.