As it is and selfishness (6)

lover ‣心:Heart

In (5), I wrote that if you do not express your opinion, you are likely to become dependent. Even if you do not become dependent, those who do not express their opinions are treated as “good people” by others.

This is because people who do not express their opinions will consequently “conform” to the other person.

I have a client who has been told since he was a student that he was a good person, but in reality he was not a good person, but someone who could not be who he was.

Since childhood, the client had been unable to speak her mind and had lived by her parents’ opinions, and she had come to stifle her ego, unconsciously watching the faces of those around her and living in accordance with them.

However, during the years that I joined the company and went from a position where I was told what to do to a position where I had to move on my own initiative, and also got married and had children in my life, the “I don’t know what to do” came over and over again.

People at work and family members ask, “What do you do? What do you want to do?” but they are confused because they don’t know themselves what they want to do.

Thinking and thinking in the midst of confusion does not provide answers.

Because the answer is in the mind and not in the thoughts.

My honest feelings in my heart are what they are.

However, for those who have suppressed their honest feelings, a belief has developed that “expressing honest feelings = not being loved.

However, if you cannot say what you honestly feel (as it is), you will never get out of the state of confusion in your thinking, and as a result, you will end up in a state where you will be tired every day even though you have nothing to do.