Inner Heart Healing (4)

Inner Heart Healing (4) ‣心:Heart

The time it takes for the mind to be released and healed is approximately two weeks.

I have done over 5,000 inner heart healings, and as I listened to what happened afterwards, I saw statistically that it takes about two weeks for this to change in the flow.

However, if the healing content requires a thicker suit of clothes or armor, it may take up to three weeks.

So how do we know that we have been healed?

This is because about two weeks after the healing, something will happen to the client and awareness will arise.

The events are truly staggered.

Events occur that make you realize that the person you thought was a good person is really not so good.
New opportunities come to me by doing things I never thought I would do.
I get into strange trouble and my concept of what I’m supposed to do changes.
Coincidental things coincide and somehow it all works out in a thump. Etc.

What really happens to each person is different.
(Some of them even called the events that followed the release of the speculation “incidents.”)

That is how shocking it is for some people.

This is because the healing of emotional wounds and the elimination of assumptions means a broadening of perspective.

So you will become aware of events that you have been unaware of for a long time because your assumptions have been disturbing you.

And sometimes things would happen that I thought my heart was telling me to be aware of. I sometimes thought that my heart was telling me to be aware of it.