Future: amazonite

amazonite ‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading

Amazonite is a popular power stone because of its beautiful greenish-watery color.

You have probably seen it at a power stone store at least once because of its reasonable price.

Amazonite is said to be the “stone of hope” and “stone of action.

It is said to have the effect and efficacy of “shaking off doubts and showing us the direction in which we should go = bringing hope for the future.

If my crystal reading shows that I need amazonite, I read that the flow of the future will change for the better.

The energy of amazonite tells us that the current situation or state of affairs will change for the better in roughly three months.

Maybe the energy of the customers will change what’s going on now, you know? I’m going to change it. I think they are working with the idea that they are going to change the situation.

If you make a bracelet after a crystal reading, if amazonite is included in the bracelet, read that amazonite is included to guide you in the right direction.

Amazonite is a good power to have when you want to take positive action and do not want to make a mistake in judging the direction to go.