I’m going to Supikon for the first time.

Events ‣スピリチュアル体験:Spiritual Experience

When I was taking a level 2 Aura-Soma course, I think it was. When I was taking a course in Aura-Soma, I heard from my teacher that there was an event called Supikon where many spiritual people and fortune tellers were exhibiting.

This was just at the beginning of the spiritual boom.

The doctor himself said something like, “I wouldn’t go there because of the indescribable chi swirling around me.

I heard other people who had been there say, “It became too much work, so I just went once and decided I was done with it.” I heard that someone else who had been there said, “It became too much work for me, so I decided to go once and call it a day. We decided to go to the event just to see what it was like.

Supikon was held once every few months, but the timing was right for it to be held a week or two after we talked about it, so four of us, including myself, went to Supikon, which was held in Osaka.

I went there and I was like… “Shocking! What is this?” I thought.

Tables used in conference rooms were arranged on the walls and in the center of the room, and the so-called exhibitors set up each table in their own elaborate ways to appeal to the visitors to come.

The scene was truly… “a world I’ve never known.”

Other friends also seemed surprised.

At that time, Supikon was held only a few times in Osaka, and the scale of the event was not that large.

We were so overwhelmed as soon as we entered that we skimmed around twice without anyone getting any sessions and left after about 30 minutes.

So I don’t remember what kind of people were exhibiting at all!(;・∀・)

However, a few months after I went to this Supikon, I started to appear as an exhibitor at the event that had overwhelmed me so much.