Inner Child Healing

inner child ‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

The client was a tremendous fan of spirituality and fortune-telling, and had attended various sessions and courses.

He was not willing to take a spirituality course and do it on his own, but he felt comfortable with what he knew.

In the midst of all this, “Is there anything I can do to help?” he told me, “I have some materials that you might be able to use.

A client took a course to “learn channeling and connect with his Higher Self.

This was a course created by an NLP mental trainer, applying the latest psychology called NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

There were various lessons to improve my channeling abilities, and one of the lessons could be used as the method I was looking for.

The method is inner child healing.

It was the only healing the client had ever received that made sense to him and made sense to him.

So he told me.

The customer immediately brought the materials to his next appointment and allowed us to copy his notes and learn the specific methods he had learned.

In case you are wondering why the customer did not do it himself, he said that he would never be able to do it because he had to be flexible and responsive to the client.

Thus I got the hint of a new healing method I had been looking for.