Meet Dowsing

Meet Dowsing ‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

In parallel with the Aura-Soma course, I have been compiling a list of the benefits and effects of power stones and natural stones for a long time.

From about 10 books on power stones and natural stones, I extracted one type of power stone or natural stone from each book to see what kind of benefits and effects it had, and compiled them on my computer.

However, I forgot to back up this data, so when my computer broke down, the power stone data also disappeared, so now all I have left is a printout of the paper!( ;∀;)

One holiday when I had begun to spend a few spiritual days taking courses and summarizing the benefits of power stones.

I like books and often go to bookstores. I went to one large bookstore and found an interesting A4 size boxed book.

The book is titled “Dowsing.”

Included with the dowsing manual was not a pendulum but an L-rod, which is used for finding water veins.

I thought it was interesting and I bought that boxed book.

And this encounter with the L-rod would change my destiny for the rest of my life.