My spiritual abilities (1)

psychic power ‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

I am often asked this question by customers.

‘Have you been able to see spirits and such since you were a child?’ And.

I immediately answered “no”.

Would it sound more genuine if I said “I could see”? I don’t want to lie, and I really wasn’t a sighted person at all.

It’s a rather insensitive category.( ̄▽ ̄)

I still have some sense of spirituality, but I have to be conscious and focused to see it.
So I have no trouble at all in my daily life.

And since I am a healer, not a psychic, I take some steps to eliminate spiritual things if they get in the way of my healing, but otherwise I leave them alone.

However, since I started this job, I seem to have developed a constitution to absorb negative things, and if a client comes to the salon while possessed by a spirit, the spirit will be transferred to me, and I also seem to absorb evil spirits (even though I don’t want to) on my own.

So I only do exorcisms, energy healings, etc., if there is a good reason for it.

This is my own theory, but I believe that even if you expel a spirit because it is possessed by a spirit, it is usually related to a physical constitution or mental problems, so even if you expel the spirit, you are still playing catch-up.

Therefore, we believe that by changing the root of the problem (the state of mind and the way we think about things), spiritual problems can be resolved.