Kickstart to Healer (2)

‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

What do you do to prepare for now? I would say, we cannot talk about it without knowledge of natural stones and power gemstones.

At that time, there was not yet as much information on the Internet as there is now, so I decided to buy and read books on natural and power stones anyway.

Also, there were not as many natural stone stores as there are today, so I went to see natural stones and power stones in person by visiting a nearby natural stone store listed in a book or going to a stone wonder exhibition event.

As a result, I somehow bought more than 20 books on natural stones, both new and used.

After buying 20 books, are the contents of the natural stone and power stone books that different? If you ask me, there wasn’t that much difference (laughs).

Some were written academically about natural stones, some were written from a divination/spiritual perspective, and some were written in a narrative style… The approach was different, but in the end, there was always a description of the benefits and effects of natural stones and power stones, and there was not much difference in the content.

However, the efficacy and effectiveness of each stone differs slightly depending on the book. As I read more and more, the question arose in my mind, “What is the most effective and beneficial effect of each of the natural stones?

So I decided to excerpt five or six books that mainly write about the benefits and effects of natural stones and power stones, and summarize all the benefits and effects that each book says about one natural stone on my computer.

I didn’t think much about it when I was putting it together, but it turned out to be very useful for me later when I became a healer.