

When you are hurt…

When your heart is broken, work on your heart. Don't make the mistake of putting yourself in the wrong place. Because I Read More...

Inner Child and Inner Heart

Inner child means "the child self that lives in one's mind," the memories of childhood and the state of mind. If taken lRead More...

Anger at unrequited love

In my healing work, I have many clients who have mental illnesses. In this context, I feel that those who have depressioRead More...

Inner Heart Healing (10)

They say that the mind and body are connected, and I often find that to be exactly true. When inner heart healing is perRead More...

Self-axis and others’ axis (4)

When I do healing, I often think, "People are so afraid of being hurt (or denied). Healing releases the fear, dislike, aRead More...
‣親子関係:Parent-child relationship

The type of toxic parent I feel

There are many types of toxic parents. Nowadays, there are many books and various interpretations and ideas about toxic Read More...
‣人間関係:Human relations

Relationships are what you attract.

The term "mirror law" became popular in Japan about 15 years ago. The reality of our lives is a mirror of our hearts." ARead More...

Inner Heart Healing (9)

The past torments me in the present." I don't think there is anyone in this world who hasn't recalled a bad event that hRead More...

How does your inner child affect your present self?

The inner child is said to reside between the manifest and subconscious mind. The subconscious mind becomes the entity, Read More...

It is “noticing” that releases assumptions.

Do I have to undergo healing to eliminate my beliefs? You may think that you do, but that is not true. Assumptions are fRead More...