It is “noticing” that releases assumptions.

awareness ‣心:Heart

Do I have to undergo healing to eliminate my beliefs? You may think that you do, but that is not true.

Assumptions are fixed concepts.

Many of these were created by someone or something that was given one-sided information.

So it becomes “assumption = narrow-mindedness”.

If you ask me what is needed to eliminate this belief, it is “knowledge and information.

Assumptions are born from biased knowledge and information.

If so, increasing the amount of information and knowledge is the fastest way to broaden one’s perspective and eliminate assumptions.

You can receive information any way you want.

It can be anything: videos, animation, cartoons, movies, TV, books, social networking sites, etc.

However, it is not enough to watch or read only the same lineage.

In a state of seeing and reading only the same lineage, bias cannot be resolved, so the likelihood of noticing it is reduced.

So I want you to look at and read things that are not your favorite line of work, but that intrigue you a bit, or that others have recommended as interesting, etc.

In order to be able to notice things, you have to take conscious action and gather information in order to acquire the necessary knowledge.