When you are hurt…

emotional scars ‣心:Heart

When your heart is broken, work on your heart.

Don’t make the mistake of putting yourself in the wrong place.

Because I know and understand myself best.

So when you start blaming yourself, you become your own enemy more than anyone else.

Do you understand?

It must have been hard for you to be hurt by others, but you have always been the one who hurt yourself the most.

When you attack yourself, there is no escape for your mind, and it is difficult to recover from the damage because it hurts your mind beyond your control.

It is what is called “disappointment and despair.

But it is not others who bring you down, but you bring yourself down.

There is really only sadness and pain there.

So I believe the worst thing you can do to your heart is to hurt yourself.

And I believe that I am not the one to blame or attack, but the one to befriend and be the best ally.