The Mystery of Karma (13): What does the soul reincarnate for?

The Mystery of Karma⑬ ‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

I read a spiritual book a long time ago that asked the question, “What does the soul reincarnate for?” I remember that the spiritual counselor or psychic’s answer was “to resolve karma.

I remember that the spiritual counselor or psychic answered, “To resolve karma.

Is that really true?

Because when the soul is born in the universe, there is no karma.

Karma is created in the process of reincarnation after birth.

Also, the soul does not always lead a karmic, hurtful life in its first incarnation.

It is in the process of reincarnation that the soul lives a life that is hurtful.

And whether it is hurt or not, the soul will reincarnate.

Why is the soul incarnating?

Where exactly is the answer to the question of the soul’s reincarnation?

I have always had these questions.

That is why I wanted to know how the soul is born from the universe.