Are the events that took place my fault?

law of attraction ‣心:Heart

I was talking to a customer the other day and he shared his view that “bad luck is due to one’s own bad behavior.” I was told that this is the viewpoint of the customer.

For me, it’s a “Why? I was like, “Why?

Customer “In spirituality, you say that you attract the events that happen…”

I said, “Sure, you say that, but…”

Customer: “I think it’s because I’m the one who’s doing the best in the relationship and not getting the other person’s approval because it’s my fault.”

I said, “Hmm? I think you’re looking at it the wrong way.”

Customer “What?”

I said, “Why are you trying so hard to get recognition from someone who doesn’t recognize you? Why don’t you just stop trying if you know they won’t approve of you and you’re going to get hurt as a result of trying so hard?”

Customer “Oh, ・・・・.”

There was a conversation that went something like this.

I interpret the spiritual saying that we attract the events that happen to us as referring to the fact that both good and bad things are the result of the way we act (cause).

What is wrong in this person’s case is that he is not putting his own feelings first, but rather the other person’s feelings first, which is a mistake in the first place.

It was an event that made me realize that the idea that “I attract the events that happen to me” is a false view unless one is able to see and think about things from one’s own perspective.