Not an easy spiritual world④

SNS ‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

There are many stories that come to us in this world.

We don’t do anything to advertise on social networking sites anymore, but in the past we often received calls from various vendors because we had a website and a phone number on it.

Some of them are overtly

You said, “You’re having a hard time because you don’t get any customers, aren’t you? So, why don’t you sign a contract with us and we will advertise for you?
We’ll call you when we have an event or something…”

I have had old men call me and say things like the above, who clearly did not seem to be familiar with the spiritual industry at all.

At that point I was thankfully so far ahead that I couldn’t get an appointment until a month ahead of time.
(We’re not in that state right now.(・∀・))

No, I’m busy, I don’t need any more customers.”

I remember I responded with words like “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

Then from the other end of the phone.

Heh? Oh, I see…”

The word came back to me.

I bet you didn’t expect to find a busy salon.( ̄▽ ̄)

But this is just a phone call.

I am not active on social networking sites, so I do not receive many invitations, but I have talked to people who run other salons and they have told me that recently they have been receiving an awful lot of “I’ll do consulting” e-mails through social networking sites.

But from my point of view, I don’t think it is the kind of business you would do with a consultant.

Of course, it is necessary to advertise to attract customers, but in the end, it is a world where the ability of the person doing the advertising is what counts, and even if a consultant is temporarily successful, it will not last.