A gradually increasing number of ustomers

repeater ‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

It’s been almost a year since we opened our doors, and it’s really been a gradual process, little by little.

Friends call friends.
That friend should call his family.
That family should invite their friends over again.

We began to get more and more customers that way.

Gradually, regulars began to come to the restaurant again.

What was unexpected, however, was that only about 20% of the customers came to receive Aura-Soma.

About 10% of the customers came for feng shui appraisals.

The other 70% was crystal reading.

To my surprise, my original crystal reading turned out to be more popular with the customers than I had expected!ヽ(^o^)丿

With nothing to ask.
One type of power stone is placed on the left palm and one type of power stone is placed on the right palm.
Wielding a stick I’ve never seen before.
“Your current condition is like this…”
I think it was interesting.

The bracelets we made after the reading were also well received, and more than 90% of the customers who had crystal readings asked us to make them.