Preparation for opening a healing salon (3): Decide on a name for the salon.

name of a store ‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

While arranging the furniture and furnishings, we decided to decide on the most necessary name to open the salon, the name of the restaurant.

There are many ways to give a name.

Some use their own names, while others use a combination of words of their choice.

Others translate their favorite words into foreign languages such as English or French.

However, in the case of spiritual salons, I think many of them used foreign translations of angelic names, light, rainbows, etc.

I am not of the pattern of naming angels, so I had no such candidates at all, but I had a desire to take care of my heart and wanted to use words related to that.

So I wrote down on a piece of paper words related to the heart in Japanese and English, and then wrote down several words in Japanese and English that seemed to fit.

I wrote down on a piece of paper each of the store name candidates that I thought would be good, and finally decided to decide by dowsing, in a “God in heaven says so” kind of way.( ̄▽ ̄)

The way to do this is to fold each piece of paper with the potential store name on it so that it is not visible.

Then, while invisible, we place two pieces of paper on each side and listen to which one is better by dowsing.

Since dowsing is L-rod, the rod moves toward the one you think is better.

After several times of doing so, we narrowed down the list from about eight names to one.

When I opened the paper and looked inside, the name of the restaurant written on it was a name that made sense to me.

But I am a skeptical woman, so I wondered if dowsing was really working with some kind of intention, so I folded the opened paper again, shuffled it with the other papers, and once again listened to the same dowsing to see which store name would be best.

Then the second time, the same name of the restaurant remained last!(◎_◎;)

So I decided to do what the heavenly gods told me to do, and I named the salon after that name!( ̄▽ ̄)