The Mystery of Karma and its Dissolution (2)

karuma ‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

So what exactly are the karma, or karma, that people carry?

You often hear people say, “I killed someone or did something bad in a past or previous life, so it is coming out as karma in this life.

Is it really true?

I mean, from my point of view, who is letting karma take its toll in the first place? I’m just saying.

Do you carry it on your own? God? Buddha? The universe? The universe?

God? Buddha? The universe? If the universe makes you carry it on your back, isn’t there something wrong with that?

Because ↑this existence is something that saves us, right?

If you are there as a positive entity, you won’t let them carry you on their backs, will you?

So you’re going to carry your own? Why on earth would you do that?

What happened that made you decide to carry it on your back? I’m just saying.

I noticed it was full of question marks? It was full of question marks.( ̄▽ ̄)

Is it still because I did something bad, like killing someone?

But, you know, from my point of view, I doubt that too.

Because normally, nobody wants to kill people or do bad things.

If karma is the result of doing something really bad, then there must be a cause, a motive.

If the cause of the problem was something terribly unreasonable for the person who did the wrong, I don’t think I could blame the person who did the wrong.

And if you have to carry karma because of it, wouldn’t that be terrible? I think it would be terrible.

So what exactly is karma? was the question I had been asking myself for a long time.