The Mystery of Karma and its Dissolution (3)

light4 ‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

What exactly is karma? After many months of wondering “What is karma?”, we decided to listen to our souls with our clients and ask the question “Why were we born to those parents?” We decided to ask the question to the soul.

And I realized this by having several souls answer my questions.

I thought we could solve the mystery of karma and eliminate karma at the same time.

And if the karma of past and past lives determines our current destiny, I thought I would resolve the karma of past and past lives and solve the mystery that no one has solved!( ̄▽ ̄)

To what extent does our past destiny influence the way we live in this life?

And what exactly is karma?

What does the soul incarnate for?

And what exactly is a soul?

At first, solving the mystery of why I was born to those parents led me to a journey into past lives to solve the mysteries of the souls of various people. This led to a journey into past lives to solve the mystery of the souls of various people.