The natural enemy of the self-denying person is.

People with strong self-denial tend to think that whatever happens is their fault.

When the opposite type of person approaches such a person with strong self-denial, the relationship is already convex and concave, and a negative loop begins.

What kind of person is the opposite type?

It is the person who blames others for everything.

For those who have no concept of their own fault and blame others for everything, those who are self-denying and think that everything is their fault are extremely convenient.

Because they think it’s all your fault, and if you cause any problems, you can blame it all on that person (the self-denying person), so there is no one who is such a convenient existence.

And people with strong self-denial are weak against pushy or bossy people, so they cannot talk back or argue with them.

Because I’m afraid.

The fear of being told “it’s your fault” by parents and adults since childhood comes back to haunt us in our unconscious.

And you subconsciously think you did something somewhere you don’t realize you did.

So if the other party goes that hard, it becomes “my fault.

Also, people who blame others are good at justifying themselves, so it is sometimes difficult for those around them to notice that something is wrong.

But not everyone is oblivious.

If you look at your surroundings dispassionately, you will find that people are paying attention, even if only softly, to those who blame others.

But people with strong self-denial tend to have a narrow perspective.

But if you feel that there is something wrong with you, even just a little, it is best to first talk to someone you think might be able to help. I think it is best to consult with someone who you think might be able to help you.

I need someone to help me, because this is a problem that is not going to get better.