Thoughts & Emotions: Aventurine

aventurine ‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading

Aventurine, also known as Indian jade, is a power stone.

Not surprisingly, aventurine is not only green, but also red aventurine.

However, I think green aventurine has become the mainstream in the world.

Real jade is expensive, but aventurine round balls are a power stone that can be found for about the same price as quartz, and are often used in power stone bracelets.

Aventurine is said to relieve stress and stabilize the mind.

It is also said to enrich the emotions, bring noble consciousness, and give the power to overcome adversity.

If I do a crystal reading on it and it comes up that I need aventurine, I read it as “I need to make a calm decision”.

Aventurine’s energy has the effect of stabilizing the mind and bringing calm judgment.

When that energy is needed for a reading, it means that the person is in a state of confusion and is unable to make calm judgments.

In simple terms, it is a message from aventurine to “calm down.

When we do crystal readings, we find that aventurine energy is needed by about 60% of the people.

And aventurine often goes into bracelet making.

I believe that many people are unable to balance their thoughts and emotions well, and as a result, are in a situation where their thoughts come first and they are not sure what to do.