Kickstart to Healer (3)

パワーストーン屋をするための準備 ‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

I have bought and read a lot of books, but there are many issues to be addressed from there to selling them.

First of all, the key question is how to purchase natural and power stones?

How do you tell the difference between real and fake or processed natural stones?

What will be the selling price?

How will it be marketed?

Although we have a vague idea of what to expect, there are many things to think about and do, including financial matters, when it comes to the actual implementation of the project.

Also, at this time, before the power stone boom, there was the problem of whether or not people would buy power stones if they were sold in the usual way.

As I write this now, I remember that back then when I was looking for things to sell, there was a shop near my husband’s work office that sold power stones? There was a store that sold products using semi-precious stones.

The reason I knew that was because I could see the power stone from outside and the name of the store said “LAPIS” .

I went into that store once to see if it would be of any help.

(By the way, I still don’t know what this place really was…)

The restaurant was a bit posh, but I went there thinking the response would be normal.

However, after a short conversation, we left early because the restaurant was beyond classy and expensive (;´・ω・)

Because, you know, “How do you know if a stone is good or bad?” I asked him, and he said, “You can tell by buying many times and making many mistakes. He laughed a little and said, “You guys wouldn’t know, would you?(;・∀・)

I don’t think he had that kind of attitude toward his customers.

Well, sure enough, a few years later it was gone.

There is a saying in Japan that goes, “See what others do and do what we do,” and I still remember that event more than 15 years later because it made me realize that I should not be like that.

I digress, but after much searching like that, I realized that just selling power stones in the usual way was not good enough for my business.

So I thought I had to add some value to the product to make it sell.

From there, the search for what to do with the added value began again.