Was it really myself who chose those parents?

select one's parents ‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

My heart healing clients are those who have been raised by parents who fall into the category of toxic parents.

There are many spiritual people who have been raised by these toxic parents.

So some people were angry when they read what was written in the literature that they had chosen their own parents and were born.

What kind of soul chooses parents who may have bad feelings?

For what purpose did the soul choose those parents?

My doubts grew the more I worked with the customers’ hearts and the more I healed them.

And among the customers, there were still many who wondered, “Why did I choose those parents?” There were also many who always wondered, “Why did I choose those parents?

And every customer who said so, although it was a sensory thing, would say, “I don’t feel like I chose those parents.

And every time I talked about such things with my clients, I began to wonder if there were soul problems that could not be solved by the emotional scars I had grown up with. I began to think that there might be a soul problem that cannot be solved only by the emotional scars we have grown up with.

As these questions gradually grew, they asked me, “Why did we choose those parents to be born?” I decided to work together with them to solve the mystery of the soul.