Before we unravel the mysteries of the soul.

the circle of transmigration ‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

Why did the soul choose that parent?” Before we begin the story of figuring out “Why did the soul choose that parent?” let me make one caveat.

First of all, I do not adhere to any particular religion or anything.

However, rather than agreeing with the “reincarnation theory” that “the soul of a person is reborn,” I have a vague feeling that this is true. I have a vague feeling that this is true.

The fact that I have a thought about “reincarnation” doesn’t mean that I agree with it or anything, because there are many different stories of reincarnation around the world, and I don’t take those stories for granted, so I just have that idea rather than agree with it.

I also think that this reincarnation theory is the only one that is difficult to objectively verify because it is a story that only the person who is telling his/her own reincarnation story can tell.

The reason why I am writing this story is because the key to unraveling the mystery of “Why was I born to those parents?” is because the key to unraveling the mystery of “why were you born to those parents?” will be based on the idea that “human souls are reborn.

If we were to look at it the other way around, it would be an objective examination of the question, “Are human souls really reborn?” This is also an objective examination of the question, “Are human souls really reborn?

But to verify the mystery, it does not make sense to unravel it with one or two customers.

Because it is possible that subconscious memories of somewhere “I have seen it,” “I have heard it,” or “I have read it” may appear subconsciously.

So this is the result, but the souls of more than 20 customers cooperated with me, and I am now going to write a story about an objective examination of the mysteries of the spiritual world that no one knows about.