The relationship between your current self and your previous life

Who I am now and who I was in the past ‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

I have written three separate articles on why asking the soul something does not answer the question, “Why was I born to those parents?” in order to ask that question, you have to remove the wound (pond debris) in your heart, otherwise your voice or consciousness will not reach the doorway that connects you to the souls of your past lives.

Many people think it is possible to see past lives through regressive hypnosis or other means without doing so.

But regressive hypnosis is not a panacea either.

There are actually many people who have gone to regressive hypnosis but saw nothing at all.

Of course, it depends on the ability of the person who performs regressive hypnosis, but my own analysis of those who could not see anything suggests that people who are anxious and fearful, or who have been hurt a lot and are distrustful and wary of others, are unable to enter the hypnotic state.

Also, I find that when clients do regression hypnosis, they are more likely to ask, “Why were you born to those parents?” I also think that many people I talk to try to see their “past life relationship with their parents” rather than looking at “why were you born to those parents?

If a person can see his/her past life relationship with his/her parents in regression hypnosis and be satisfied with his/her current state and situation, that is fine, but most people are more likely to see their parents’ relationship with their past lives and convince themselves by saying, “It can’t be helped because this is what happened with my parents in a previous life.
(Most of the time, the pattern is that they did something wrong to their parents in a previous life.)

But isn’t that crazy? I think it is.

I can understand if you are talking about the past from birth to now, but to be clear, “I don’t give a damn” about what happened in a previous life.

But people are creatures who want to blame something for their current suffering and hardship.
Therefore, they subconsciously think that it is best to blame something invisible, which may be a past life or something spiritual.

But on the other hand, as I have written before, there are many who are skeptical about the relationship between past lives and parents.

So I set out to investigate the mystery of the relationship between my previous life and this life, but a heartbreak (pond trash) stood in my way.