Face yourself and face the money(4)

household account ‣心:Heart

Originally, Mr. A is not incapable of managing money.

Because I have been handling petty cash at work for many years, I am able to manage money itself.

However, when it came to myself, it was a different story. Although I had a vague idea of what I spent my salary on and how much I spent, I had no concept of saving money and spent as much as I had.

However, I guess I became aware that I didn’t want to waste money on useless things when I started decluttering my smartphone apps, and one day during a session we talked about how to manage monthly living expenses.

There are many ways to manage living expenses, and I believe it depends on one’s lifestyle and personality.

After talking with various clients, I have found that many number-conscious types and point-lovers manage their living expenses with credit cards and other means.

This is because many people who are good with numbers like to save money and also like points, and many of them use credit cards to successfully earn points.

On the other hand, many people who are not strong with numbers or who are engaged in guessing activities manage their living expenses in cash.

I felt that many people seem to manage their basic living expenses in cash, as if they know they will unintentionally overspend when using credit.

One of our clients, who had been using credit cards to pay his living expenses, suggested that he should switch to cash management when he told us during the session that he was having difficulty paying his credit card bills. He seemed to have implemented the suggestion, and a few months later, he was able to live a smooth life.

So, for those who are not strong with numbers or who are in a guessing game, I prefer to manage my living expenses in basic cash.

Based on the above method of managing living expenses, I suggested a method to Mr. A.