I also do crystal readings.

crystal1 ‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

I was preparing to analyze the data to write a story about reincarnation, but I have other things I need to do, so I think I will stop talking about reincarnation for a bit and write about power stones.

I’ve been writing so much about the subconscious and the soul lately that you might think I’ve been focusing on that side of things, but I’m not talking about the “I’m wearing underwear,” as the popular Yasumura character says, but I am talking about crystal readings as well.

Anyway, Yasumura, who is a cheerful person, is this person.↓

I have been doing this job for 19 years somehow, but I had been doing crystal readings, Reiki courses & healing + α sessions for all of 8 years until I started doing Inner Heart Healing in 2011.

After about two years since I started Inner Heart Healing, I quit the spiritual energy healing (← there is a reason why I quit, but I will write about it again when I have a chance) and now I only do crystal reading, Inner Heart Healing, and spiritual courses.

As I entered my 19th year, I was wondering a while ago how many people I had sessioned so far, including courses, and I calculated that I had sessioned about 17,000 people, roughly.

About 9,000 of them are crystal readings.

Inner Heart Healing is about 7,000 people.

About 1,000 people attended the Reiki course.

and is about 17,000 people.

I was looking back at my past blogs and realized that I had written about how I was able to do crystal readings and started giving sessions, but I had not written at all about the reactions of the power stones from that, or about making bracelets that match the energy from the crystal readings, etc. I think I will write about that now.