
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

Mystery of Karma (7): You can’t choose where you reincarnate.

Each of the three souls is a conversation between me and a soul that has memories of its own life before it was conceiveRead More...
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

Mystery of Karma(6): Thoughts of the Soul

In the mystery of the soul, you write that the soul has no right to choose to reincarnate or not reincarnate, but does tRead More...
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

Mystery of Karma (5): Mystery of the Soul

As I wrote last time, I do not believe that the basic soul itself has the right to choose the things it reincarnates. ThRead More...
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

Mystery of Karma (4): 1st in this life

I wrote in my previous article that the soul exists for the first time in this life, but the reason I know this is becauRead More...
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

The Mystery of Karma (3)

As I wrote in Mystery of Karma (2), there are various patterns of soul reincarnation. If we focus only on karma, the queRead More...

What is my power?②

Today, the term "self-oriented" is often used. Self-orientation is said to be living and acting based on one's own valueRead More...

What is my power? ①

Various things happen every day, and various messages are being sent out to stir up a sense of anxiety. But while there Read More...

How to return the self-powered.

In order to give your best, it is important that you are not trapped in your own mind. What is a mental hook-up? You mayRead More...

Happy New Year!

We look forward to working with you again this year. Sorry I haven't been able to update since the middle of December.(.Read More...
‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

One woman among men (2)

When I started working, it was before Japan's bubble economy burst and a few years after the Equal Employment OpportunitRead More...