
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

Mystery of Karma (8): Why you don’t want to be born

In the last article about not being able to choose where to reincarnate, why did the souls who were knocked down to be rRead More...
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

Mystery of Karma (7): You can’t choose where you reincarnate.

Each of the three souls is a conversation between me and a soul that has memories of its own life before it was conceiveRead More...
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

Mystery of Karma(6): Thoughts of the Soul

In the mystery of the soul, you write that the soul has no right to choose to reincarnate or not reincarnate, but does tRead More...
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

Mystery of Karma (5): Mystery of the Soul

As I wrote last time, I do not believe that the basic soul itself has the right to choose the things it reincarnates. ThRead More...
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

Mystery of Karma (4): 1st in this life

I wrote in my previous article that the soul exists for the first time in this life, but the reason I know this is becauRead More...
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

The Mystery of Karma (3)

As I wrote in Mystery of Karma (2), there are various patterns of soul reincarnation. If we focus only on karma, the queRead More...
‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

I am a spiritual healer but a realist.

Recently, a long-time recipient of my healing services offered to give me a once-over of what he has been doing. This peRead More...
‣クリスタルリーディング:Crystal Reading

Thought: Labradorite

Labradorite, which is said to symbolize the moon and the sun, is popular among spiritual people, perhaps because it is sRead More...
‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

The Mystery of Karma (2)

Souls, like human beings, are not just ten different people, but ten different souls. It means that souls, like human beRead More...
‣ヒーラーへの道:Becoming a Healer

Before the mystery of karma.

So, I would like to unravel the mystery of the karma that causes the negative chain of events…. Before I begin, I would Read More...