The Mystery of Karma (1)

karuma2 ‣輪廻転生:Circle of transmigration

I’m talking about what is karma, what is causality before the mystery of karma….

The explanation of “causality” regarding karma in Japanese language dictionaries is

(1) Buddhism teaches that all births and deaths are due to these two forces, which are called cause and effect, with cause being the direct internal cause that causes the result and effect being the indirect cause that assists it from the outside.

(2) A predetermined fate or destiny from a previous life.

(3) Relationships from before. (Previous Relationships.)

(4) The origin of things, and the history of things.

will be.

And the explanation of “karma” is

 (1) In French, good and evil actions performed by human body, mouth, and will.

(2) The retribution we receive in this life for the good and evil deeds of our previous life.

(3) The workings of the mind that cannot be controlled by reason.

will be.

The word means that karma can be good or bad karma.

On top of that, I am not willing to solve the mystery as far as good karma is concerned at this point.

Rather, I don’t think we need to bother solving the mystery of good karma.

I think some people think that it is better to solve the riddle of good karma because if you just solve the riddle of good karma, you can be reborn in a good way when you are reborn in the next life.

But I solve riddles because I want a clue to help people who are in a tough, painful, and difficult situation right now, so the next life will say, “Take the results of the bad karma I solved and spend this life reborn so that you can have a good life in the next life.” I think( ̄▽ ̄)

And I believe that by solving the mystery of bad karma in my past lives, I will be able to unravel many other mysteries that no one knows about besides the mystery of karma.