What is facing yourself?

What is facing yourself ‣心:Heart

Self-help, spirituality, and even religious books often say, “It is important to face yourself,” but as someone who has supported people to face themselves, I have to say that it is extremely difficult.

Well, it’s not easy to do, which is why it’s written in so many different places …( ̄▽ ̄)

Why is it that facing oneself is so easy and yet so difficult? Because facing yourself = facing your past feelings (mental scars).
Everyone is unconsciously aware of this, so they don’t bother to face it.
Because remembering the past is painful, painful, and hard.

Besides, there is no need to bother to pull out and face the past events that have been relegated to the corner of our minds and almost lost from our everyday memories as we go about our lives in the present.

So when do we have to face ourselves?

In my opinion, it is better to face yourself “when you are in a difficult situation or condition and the need to overcome it arises, or when you really want to change your current situation or condition.”

So what exactly is the way to face yourself? When it comes down to it, the most common is probably “to talk to oneself”.

However, self-dialogue is often unconscious, and many people may not know rather than not be able to do it even if they are told to make it conscious.

For such people, I, who have been supporting them in facing themselves for many years, would like to introduce several ways to face themselves without any difficulty.