Reasons to go fortune-telling and spirituality.

Divination and Spirituality ‣心:Heart

It is no fun doing anything if you are always ignoring your own mind because of the surroundings.

Instead, only complaints and dissatisfaction increase.

But since I don’t know what’s going on in my mind, why am I complaining and dissatisfied so much? I don’t even realize why I am complaining and dissatisfied so much.

But when people around me say things to me, I wonder what is wrong with me when I am (unconsciously) trying my best to fit in with those around me.

There are many people who take it for granted since childhood that they play the role of the person they want their surroundings to be and do not even question it.

It would be nice if we could live without any problems, but since we don’t know our own minds, we try to get someone else to tell us the answers.

I wonder if the best partner for this search for answers is to turn to fortune-telling and spirituality.

I think most people go there to reassure themselves, regardless of whether they are right or not.

People are creatures who want to feel secure.

But when you make any decision for yourself, you are anxious even if you know what you really feel in your heart.

And moreover, what do you want to do with yourself? People who have lived their lives according to their surroundings don’t seem to know why they should make judgments and decisions, let alone the true feelings of their own hearts.

So you want someone to tell you the answer.

But I don’t like knowing people.

Because they say all kinds of nasty things.

So you go to someone who is capable of something.

God or the words said in fortune-telling and spiritual places? Buddha? Guardian spirit? Higher Self? I can convince myself that the words are from God, Buddha, guardian spirit, Higher Self, etc., so I rely on fortune-telling and spirituality.